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Collage of films nominated for an Academy Award
Elizabeth Graney, Librarian, Literature & Fiction Department, February 18, 2025

The Academy Awards are right around the corner, and, once again, films adapted from books have snagged multiple nominations! From a larger than life musical to a thrilling tale of papal election, these adaptations caught the eye and the hearts of the critics this year. You still have time to read their literary inspirations before the big show on Sunday, March 2, 2025.



Author Joe R. Lansdale and his latest short story collection, In the Mad Mountains

Interview With an Author: Joe R. Lansdale

Daryl M., Librarian, West Valley Regional Branch Library, Thursday, November 7, 2024

Internationally bestselling author Joe R. Lansdale has received the Edgar, Raymond Chandler, Bram Stoker, British Fantasy, and Inkpot Awards.

Sherman Indian High School dancers

Native American Heritage Month - A Classroom for Us

Christina Hairston, Librarian, Social Science, Philosophy & Religion Department, Monday, November 4, 2024

In the late 19th century, a series of federal government policies were adopted with the intent of displacing Native communities from their land and culture. One such policy in the history of forced assimilation of Native populations occurred through mandatory education.

Los libros en español más esperados están disponibles en tu biblioteca

Lo nuevo en español para niños: libros interesantes que llegan a la biblioteca este mes

Patricia Valdovinos, Librarian, Multilingual Collections, Friday, November 1, 2024

La Biblioteca Pública de Los Ángeles ofrece los libros más leídos y más esperados para niños. Haz clic en cada título para verlo en nuestro catálogo. ¡No esperes y reserva tu copia hoy mismo!

Los libros en español más esperados están disponibles en tu biblioteca

Lo nuevo en español para adultos y jóvenes: libros interesantes que llegan a la biblioteca este mes

Multilingual Collections, Librarian, Friday, November 1, 2024

Los libros en español más esperados están disponibles en tu biblioteca. Haz clic en cada título para verlo en nuestro catálogo. ¡No esperes y reserva tu copia hoy mismo!

Author Tod Goldberg and his latest anthology, Eight Very Bad Nights

Interview With an Author: Tod Goldberg

Daryl M., Librarian, West Valley Regional Branch Library, Thursday, October 31, 2024

Tod Goldberg is the New York Times bestselling author of over a dozen books, i

Sarah Bernhardt larger than life merged with a phto of the hollywood sign

Divine Prominence: Sarah Bernhardt in Los Angeles, 1891

Nicholas Beyelia, Librarian, History and Genealogy Department, Monday, October 28, 2024

On a pleasant summer evening in 1891, the Los Angeles Herald's theater critic attended a play that ran for exactly one night.

vintage halloween postcard

Halloween: From Turnips to TikTok

Maya Peterpaul, Librarian, Business & Economics Department, Saturday, October 26, 2024

Since its Celtic Pagan origins as Samhain in Ireland over 2,000 years ago, Halloween has grown to become a multi-billion dollar global industry. From 12-foot skeletons to DIY haunted house attractions, Halloween has captured the imagination and celebratory spirit of children and adults alike.

altered program from 1963 world series

The Bums and the Bombers in the World Series - West Coast Style

Bob Timmermann, Senior Librarian, History & Genealogy Department, Friday, October 25, 2024

While we await the start of the 2024 World Series Friday between the Dodgers and the Yankees over at 1000 Vin Scully Avenue, we wanted to take a look back at the most frequent World Series matchup, albeit one that has not happened in 43 years.

Author M. L. Rio and her first novella, Graveyard Shift

Interview With an Author: M. L. Rio

Daryl M., Librarian, West Valley Regional Branch Library, Thursday, October 24, 2024

M. L. Rio holds an MA in Shakespeare studies from King’s College London and Shakespeare’s Globe and a PhD in English from the University of Maryland, College Park.

2 plant monsters eating an invasive species

The Unwanted Guests of Los Angeles: A Tale of Invasive Species

Vivienne Byrd, Librarian III, Exploration & Creativity Department, Thursday, October 24, 2024

Imagine taking a leisurely stroll through Los Angeles's natural landscapes, where the native wildlife thrives and the local vegetation flourishes. Now, picture a group of uninvited guests crashing the party.

