The Library will be closed on Monday, January 20, 2025, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Emergency Information and Resources

California Fiction Index

An index to fiction for adults which takes place in California. Can be searched by author, title, locale, decade in which story takes place, and major characters.

  • Type your search term(s) in one or more of the search boxes.
  • Use an ampersand (&) between words if you want each word to be present.
  • Use a slash (/) between words to indicate that either word need be present.
  • Words without an ampersand (&) or slash (/) between them will search for that exact phrase
  • Use an asterisk (*) to truncate your search term(s).
  • When searching locales, enter name of city; if searching by county, use the code from this list.
  • County Code County Code County Code
    Alameda ALA Marin MAR San Luis Obispo SLO
    Alpine ALP Mariposa MRP San Mateo SMT
    Amador AMA Mendocino MEN Santa Barbara SBR
    Butte BUT Merced MER Santa Clara SCL
    Calaveras CAL Modoc MOD Santa Cruz SCR
    Colusa COL Mono MOO Shasta SHA
    Contra Costa CON Monterey MON Sierra SIE
    Del Norte DEL Napa NAP Siskiyou SIS
    El Dorado ELD Nevada NEV Solano SOL
    Fresno FRE Orange ORA Sonoma SON
    Glenn GLE Placer PLA Stanislaus STA
    Humboldt HUM Plumas PLU Sutter SUT
    Imperial IMP Riverside RIV Tehama THE
    Inyo INY Sacremento SAC Trinity TRI
    Kern KER San Benito SBT Tulare TUL
    Kings KIN San Bernardino SBD Tuolumne TUO
    Lake LAK San Diego SDG Ventura VEN
    Lassen LAS San Francisco SFO Yolo YOL
    Los Angeles LAC San Joaquin SJO Yuba YUB
    Madera MAD Hide table
  • When searching decades, use this format - "1950s".
  • When searching names use "Lastname, Firstname" format,
    or first and last name in separate search boxes.

Keyword 1 (searches all fields)

AND Keyword 2

AND Keyword 3
