

Collage of Prince album covers
Daniel Tures, June 07, 2024

Prince Rogers Nelson was born on June 7, 1958 in Minneapolis. In the 1980s, Prince became one of the greatest pop stars of all time, selling some 150 million albums, recording scores of incomparable hit songs, and inspiring fans worldwide.

Collage of books about Black musicians
Diedre Johnson, August 08, 2023

Music legends don’t start out that way. First, they are children with a love for music and the motivation to learn, even if they face seemingly impossible odds along the way. Below are seven superstars that harnessed their creativity and accomplished their dreams.

Big Star: Chris Bell, Jody Stephens, Andy Hummel and Alex Chilton
Marc Horton, April 28, 2021

The story of rock and roll is full of missed opportunities, poor decisions, and tragic turns of fate that consigned many worthwhile artists to obscurity.

Alice Cooper, Live At Montreux 2005 album
Daniel Tures, February 04, 2021

When he’s not onstage, shock-rock legend Alice Cooper, 73, is pretty mellow these days. He lives in Phoenix and plays a lot of golf, which he credits with helping him get and stay sober decades ago without the need of a 12-step program.

Heavy metal rock concert at the Coliseum
Salvadora Sosa Prieto, June 23, 2020

The library is home to many resources, even heavy metal music. We make it possible to indulge people on a headbanging journey on demand through resources such as hoopla and Freegal.

a man and his giant record collection
Daniel Tures, April 07, 2020

Way back in the 1980s, for that BFF or pen pal or special someone, you would make mixtapes. The perfect set of songs, lovingly curated to express your eternal friendship, your inspiration, the dark abyss of your misunderstood heart, your super coolness or your tender feelings.

David Roback
Daniel Tures, March 09, 2020

On February 24, guitarist and songwriter David Roback passed away in his home city of Los Angeles at the age of 61.

Scotto Moore and his novel, Your Favorite Band Can Not Save You
Daryl M., April 17, 2019

Scotto Moore is a Seattle playwright whose works include several speculative fiction themed plays.

8 album covers of women jazz musicians
Eileen Ybarra, March 27, 2019

Jazz is one of my favorite music genres. I've been a fan for almost twenty years. For me, it started with listening to my parent's old jazz records on vinyl when I was in high school. Eventually, I moved onto CDs in college and then downloading mp3s.

Portrait of Yun Isang
Alan Westby, May 29, 2018

The library has recently added its first scores by the Korean composer Yun Isang (윤이상 / 尹伊桑) to our collection.

