The Library will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025, in observance of Presidents Day.

Popular Library

Located on the First Floor near the lobby of the Central Library: Department Map

Materials & Collections

The Popular Library is a high interest browsing collection at the Central Library. Due to the high turnover of these materials they are not shelved in exact order, rather in rough categories. Because of the difficulty of finding specific titles it is not possible to do shelf checks or telephone request for materials from Popular Library.

Latest popular material in all formats

Hardbacks and paperbacks in various genres, mystery, romance, science fiction, as well as magazines, videos, CDs, DVDs, audio books, and bestsellers.

Expanded areas for browsing

This colorful, roomy and brightly lit area is very inviting to all, a mini library within the library.

Separate library media area

This room within the Popular Library is equipped with its own circulation desk, and houses a widely expanded collection of music CDs, feature films on video and DVD, audio books on cassette and CD.

Three new self check machines

One in the media room specifically for media choices, two in the book display area for print material check out.

Video monitor

Featuring a list of current and future Library events and exhibits.
