library history


Actores del programa de TV Gentefied en la Biblioteca Benjamin Franklin Branch Library
Lupita Leyva, February 28, 2020

No es común que una serie de televisión comience con la imagen de una biblioteca. En este caso, la serie en cuestión empieza con la imagen de la Biblioteca Benjamín Franklin, una sucursal de la Biblioteca Pública de Los Ángeles. ¡Qué emoción!

outside view of the Benjamin Franklin Branch Library
Lupita Leyva, February 28, 2020

Not often does a TV series begin with a shot of a library. In this case, the series in question began with a shot of the Benjamin Franklin Branch of the Los Angeles Public Library. Be still my heart! This library is very special for me as this was the first library I frequented growing up.

Some puppets from Puppet Shows
Mara Alpert, July 31, 2013

Here’s something you may not know about the World Famous (or at least Los Angeles Famous) Children’s Literature Department at Central Library. If it weren’t for a puppet show, it might not ever have existed. Okay, make that a lot of puppet shows.

