Debt, Credit, Credit Reports, Credit Scores

National Foundation for Credit Counseling

Nonprofit financial counseling organization with programs and services accessed through a national network of nonprofit member agencies. Each agency is staffed by NFCC Certified Financial Counselors who help clients get started with a financial review and establish a budget and a personalized financial action plan.  Includes services for those with repayment issues for credit cards, student loans, and homes loans.


Fee and subscription service from Fair Isaac Corporation  (FICO), the source of the FICO credit scores.  Free educational content and online question and answer forum.

List of Consumer Reporting Companies (compiled by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau)

Consumer reporting companies collect information and provide reports to other companies about you. These companies use these reports to inform decisions about providing you with credit, employment, residential rental housing, insurance, and in other decision making situations.  This includes the three well-known national credit reporting agencies Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion, but includes many others.. 

