The Family History Library is the largest genealogical library in the world and is actively digitizing its family histories and other collections.
History & Genealogy
History & Genealogy
Digitized Books
Find your ancestors in 80,000 digital genealogy books.
Many full-text books, especially those published before 1923.
HathiTrust is a partnership of academic & research institutions, offering a collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world.
Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.
Thousands of books ranging from family, local and military histories, city and county directories, school, university and hospital reports, church and congregational minutes and much more.
Digitized Newspapers
A project of UC Riverside, CDNC contains millions of digitized pages of significant historical newpapers published in California.
Explore European newspapers from 20 countries, dating from 1618 to the 1980s.
Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1789-1922 or use the U.S. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present.
A repository for documentation about using your DNA results. While the site was originally conceived of for adoptees, it is proving to be useful for genealogy as well.
DNA and genealogical analysis tools for amateur and professional researchers and genealogists. You must register, but it's free.
A group that meets in Burbank at the Southern California Genealogical Society library to help you learn more about Genealogy Software.
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Education about the use of genetics as a tool for genealogical research and a supportive network for genetic genealogists.
Free Online Tree Websites
To use FamilySearch you will need to create a free user account.
To use MyHeritage you will need to create a free user account.
To use WikiTree you will need to create a free user account. To create an account click on the "join the family" link on the upper right-hand corner.
Genealogy Education
An online genealogical education program.
Find a professional genealogist you can hire.
An article by the National Genealogical Society about the steps you can take to become a professional genealogist.
Get certified
An online genealogical education program.
Become an accredited genealogist via this professional organization.
Getting Started
Ancestral chart, family group sheet, and more.
A comprehensive, categorized & cross-referenced list of links that point you to genealogical research sites online.
Free charts you can print out to help you organize your work.
Free chart that will help you stay on track using the Genealogical Proof Standard.
Basic information to get you started
A good overview of the different kinds of records one can use for genealogy
A general introduction to genealogy.
A collection of more than 10,000,000 links to web sites with genealogy and local history data.
A good introduction to genealogy for people wanting to get started.
A guide with links and advice to help you get started.
Local Genealogy Associations
Search first names by letter, name meaning, name origin, or number of syllables, browse boy/girl names, and view the most popular baby names by year.
Etymological dictionary of first names - along with lists of most used first names as of 1986, languages referred to, common elements in first names, resources used, and links to other etymology sites.
A great way to see the basics about where your last name comes from.
Research Resources
Find the Mayflower passenger list, some Mayflower genealogies, books written by Mayflower passengers and more.
Find the latitude and longitude of a place using township and range coordinates.
A massive collection of digitized databases from the Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints.
Provides links to resources for several eastern European countries.
Find original land patents issued to first landowners of Public Land States.
Links to U.K. and Ireland genealogical sites.
A free resource with many links to help you learn about coats of arms.
A directory of links to online military indexes and records for USA genealogy research. Included are rosters, databases of soldiers, draft card databases for World War I and II, and listings of military and war casualties.
Find your people in magazines and journals using this genealogy-specific online index.
A free alternative to searching for immigrants arriving at various ports.
Information on how to trace your American Indian or Alaska Native ancestry for eligibility in a federally recognized tribe.
Excellent website for locating archives, indexes and databases in the U.S.
Vital Records
Scroll to the bottom of the screen to browse through unindexed records and you may find the image of an actual death certificate!
153 million grave records, many with genealogies and headstone photographs.
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs database with more than three million records of veterans and dependents buried in VA’s 120 cemeteries since the Civil War.
Name index to deaths recorded by the Social Security Administration beginning in 1962. Current as of February 28, 2014.
California History
Over 500,000 pages of California newspapers spanning the years 1846 to the present. Site is under development and more newspapers are forthcoming. Includes the Daily Alta California, 1849-1891 and Los Angeles Herald, 1873-1910.
Click on "California History Online" for an annotated timeline of over 300 years of California history. Contains many photos and articles on historical subjects.
The Conference of California Historical Societies (CCHS) helps historians, and others who are interested in California history, to connect and share information -- joining efforts to preserve records, artifacts, sites and buildings, throughout the State. CCHS also helps local societies and small museums learn about and put into practice the most effective management, acquisition, preservation and restoration techniques.
Provides access to materials such as manuscripts, photographs, and works of art held in libraries, museums, archives, and other institutions across California.
Historic events & birthdays on a selected day of the year.
Timeline covering 3,000 years.
Large data source gathered from cited authoritative resources that allows users to compare all types of statistics on countries. Fun to browse for interesting statistical facts.
Historical events, searchable by date.
Developed by Library of Congress team, contains significant primary materials in many formats (manuscripts, maps, books, photos) from countries and cultures around the world. Timeline from 8000 B.C. to date. Browse by place, time, topic, type of item, and institution. Multilingual capability.
Contains 6,000 pages of digitized primary source materials from 25 Missouri and Kansas archives along with other historical information. A collaborative effort of the Kansas City Public Library.
Department of Defense site.
Vietnam era Prisoner of War, Missing in Action database. Searchable by last names, country names, service branches, keywords, or key phrases.
Primary documents.
Digital collections from the Library of Congress containing a wide variety of WWI material, including photographs, documents, newspapers, films, sheet music and sound recordings. Plus links to external web sites, and bibliography wth selections for general and younger readers.
Native Americans
The first national museum dedicated to the preservation, study and exhibition of the life, languages, history and arts of Native Americans.
Information on how to trace your American Indian or Alaska Native ancestry for eligibility in a federally recognized tribe.
U.S. History
Speech index is arranged alphabetically by speakers first name.
The National Archives preserves and provides access to the records of the Federal Government. Here is a sample of these records, from our most celebrated milestones to little-known surprises .
Searchable database for all Register listings with links to further information for some.
Background information, election results, cabinet members, presidency highlights and links to other presidential sites.
White House site.
World History
Divided into sections: Art & Architecture, Geography, History, Mythology, Olympics, People, Wars, and Other resources.
Current overview and statistics of country, leaders, news, description, and list of the country's media sources, etc. (some audio & video).
Library of Congress online studies of 100 countries.
Historical lists of heads of states, and heads of countries of all currently existing countries and territories. Retrospective to approximately 1900.
History, government and political conditions, economy, foreign relations and basic travel information. Principal U.S. officials and consulate officers.