Consumer Information

  • Consumer Information
    • Provides consumer and business guidance and information on dispute resolution.

    • Provides information on consumer rights and responsibilities
    • File complaints involving government agencies, products and services, travel, housing, and banking. This website is maintained by

    • Federal Trade Commission Consumer Advice on Shopping & Donating, Credit, Loans & Debt,, Unwanted Calls, E-mails & Texts, and Identity Theft & Online Security.

    • Includes product reviews and information.
    • Provides product reviews and information.
    • Searchable directory of national, state, and local resources compiled by Consumer Action to help with consumer problems and questions.

    • Provides information on products, prices and consumer agencies.
    • Federal government website offering links to information and tools for managing and using money wisely, using credit and loans carefully, and protecting against scams and identity theft.

    • Federal Trade Commission site that provides information and a link on how to order your annual free credit reports.
    • A citywide effort put together by the City's ITA department to highlight resources for the public so that users can find low cost internet and technology.

    • Phone numbers and contact options for more than 8,000 companies in 45 countries.  Offers ways to get faster customer service.

    • Conducts independent and unbiased surveys and research regarding customer satisfaction, product quality and buyer behavior.
    • Types of services offered: Fraud/scam investigation, financial education, mediation, small claims, and foreclosure prevention, consumer education (e.g. identity theft, immigration fraud, and elder financial abuse)

    • Consumer education to help people protect themselves from phone fraud, provided by the Federal Trade Commission.

    • Federal government inter-agency web site providing safety information covering consumer products, motor vehicles, boats, medicine, cosmetics and environmental products.
