The Library will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025, in observance of Presidents Day.

Teens Leading Change: Introducing Teens Recycling for Change

Guest Blogger,
a smiling teen in a garden

Hello from Memorial Branch Library, where we are working on a TLC project we've dubbed Teens Recycling for Change! We picked this topic because we noticed that Earth was being neglected. We often noticed recyclables in trash cans and compostables tossed away, and we realized that with a few simple changes in our lives, we could contribute to a bigger cause.

Ultimately, our main goal for this project is to raise awareness about recycling and composting entertainingly and engagingly! We plan on hosting multiple events leading up to our main showcase, with various presentations and activities revolving around recycling and composting. We've only got one planet, and we should all be doing our part to take care of it. We hope that you can join us to learn more about composting and recycling and to show support for our project, but most importantly, support for our Earth!

In the meantime, here are some suggestions on how you can start making a difference at home:

Start reading labels! Most plastic products (think water bottles, fruit containers, and milk jugs) can be recycled; just be sure to look for the recyclable symbol, usually placed on the bottom or back of the product. Please place them in their respective recycling bin.

Instead of throwing away your food scraps, compost them. Items like vegetable scraps, eggshells, and paper tea bags are great for compost! The City of Los Angeles now requires households to compost, so get a countertop bin and, on collection day, put the items in the green organics bin.

Don't be afraid to repurpose items. Before tossing something into the recycling bin, consider how to use it for something else. That old peanut butter jar? It works as a great storage container for any loose change or small makeup products. Pinterest is a great place to look for inspiration.

Hey, my name is Yenifer! I'm a current junior at Girls Academic Leadership Academy. I've been a bookworm before I was able to read since I was able to make sense of books through their pictures. My local library is a second home to me, considering that the librarians and I go far back. I'm really glad I could be a part of this project since I've been recycling since the age of five. Through this project, I've also met and worked with so many other wonderful people! We're all extremely passionate about this project, and I can't wait to share our progress. Stay tuned!

—Written by Yenifer H.

Yenifer is one of the founding members of the Memorial Branch TLC project. She’s in 11th grade at Girls Academic Leadership Academy, right across the street from the library.

—Loren Spector, Young Adult Librarian, Memorial Branch

The Teens Leading Change initiative has funded and launched 52 projects across 60 branches with over 600 participants, including 9 projects across 10 branches that are happening now! Go to for more information.



