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Black History Month on Kanopy

Eileen Ybarra, Librarian III, Electronic Resources,
Black History Month collection streaming on Kanopy

Join us in honoring Black History Month with a special streaming video Black History Month collection on Kanopy. Learn more about the remarkable achievements of the heroes who've paved the way for change by viewing these award-winning narrative films and documentaries. Kanopy's programming team has created a fully refreshed collection of films that highlight the contributions of African Americans and honor the Black experience across North America. Visit Kanopy's website to see all the films featured for Black History Month.

For streaming this special collection and all other videos on Kanopy, here is a reminder on how to stream: tickets are used to play videos on Kanopy. Each month, you receive a set number of tickets from your library. Your tickets reset on the first day of the month, and unused tickets don't roll over to the next month.

Note: Kanopy Kids doesn't use tickets. You can access an unlimited number of Kanopy Kids titles each month.

You can see your remaining tickets for the month in the top-right corner of the homepage.

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As you browse for titles, you'll see the number of tickets required to watch each title and how long you have to watch it.

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For episodic titles, like TV series and The Great Courses, you'll also see what content the tickets unlock (e.g., "Season 1" or "all").

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