Emergency Information and Resources

Become a Learner

We have different programs to help you, depending on your needs and reading goals.

One-on-One Tutoring

We do a complete evaluation of your skills and find a perfect tutor just for you. You meet with your tutor 2 times a week. Meetings last 1.5 hours. We give you free learning materials to help you learn to read and write.

Adult Literacy Classes

We also have a lot of classes you can go to and practice your reading, writing, and speaking. We have book clubs, English conversation classes, grammar and pronunciation classes, and more. Classes meet in the library once a week and are 1.5 hours long.

Walk-In Tutors

If you need quick help now, a Walk-In tutor can help. They can help with job applications, computer questions, and more in personal 15-20 minute sessions.

Families Read Together

Parents and caregivers of kids 17 and under learn to read to children. Each time you learn to read a book, you get a brand new copy of the book to keep.

Leamos (Let’s Read)

An online class that teaches Spanish-speaking adults how to read and write in Spanish. After learning to read and write in Spanish, it will be easier to learn English.


Learn English on your cell phone with text messages. Instruction is available in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Korean. Citizenship and Job Skills courses are also available! Call (213) 223-7730 and use PIN# 5275 to get started.

Tutoring is free at every library. Call (213) 228-7037 to make an appointment or fill out the form below.

Contact Adult Literacy
