Daryl M.


  • Book cover of The London Séance Society

    The London Séance Society

    by Penner, Sarah

    July 24, 2023

    Call Number:

    Lenna Wickes, and her younger sister Evie, are very different people. Lenna is interested in the world and how it works. She has an interest in science, even though she knows that a young lady in Victorian London is not supposed to be interested in such things. Evie, on the other hand, is interested in the spirit world. She is interested in spirits, séances, and the world a step removed from our own. The two sisters regularly taunt and challenge each other on their interests and perspectives of the world.And then, suddenly, Evie is gone. She is murdered and the police do not seem to have any... Read Full Review

  • Book cover of Final Cut

    Final Cut

    by McCown, Marjorie

    July 3, 2023

    Call Number:

    Joey Jessup is very good at her job. And it is a job that she really enjoys. Joey is a key costumer and over her career she has worked on almost every type of film, with a number of A-list actors and directors, along with some of the most talented costume designers in the industry. Joey knows how to get the job done without drawing unnecessary attention to herself.Joey’s current job is on the next big-budget Hollywood superhero epic. This is a huge production, with a budget to match. And it is being directed by Marcus Pray, a director with an ego that makes the production, and the budget,... Read Full Review

  • Book cover of The Wishing Game

    The Wishing Game

    by Shaffer, Meg

    June 26, 2023

    Call Number:

    How many of us have books, or series of books, that provided an escape for us as children and, because of that, we continue to love them as adults? How many of us longed to receive an owl-delivered letter from Hogwarts; find a secret entrance at the back of the closet/wardrobe; tumble down a rabbit hole; be transported by a tornado; or receive a visit from the local, beloved wizard challenging us to take a trip through Middle-Earth? For Lucy Hart, a girl whose childhood was defined by neglect and apathy from her parents, it was the Clock Island series by Jack Masterson.Now a twenty-six-year-... Read Full Review

  • Book cover of Our Hideous Progeny

    Our Hideous Progeny

    by Mcgill, C. E.

    June 20, 2023

    Call Number:

    In Frankenstein, Mary Shelley tells the tale of how Victor Frankenstein challenges the “natural order” and explores the secrets of life itself by creating a being made from the pieces of other men. But what if Victor had chosen another direction for his research? What if, instead of choosing to reanimate a human, Victor had chosen to experiment on something else? What if Victor had chosen to re-create a dinosaur?Mary Sutherland has been fascinated by science since her childhood discovery of an unusual stone on the beach that turned out to be a fossil. Her interest, however, has... Read Full Review

  • Book cover for The Lies of the Ajungo

    The Lies of the Ajungo

    by Utomi, Moses Ose

    May 15, 2023

    Call Number:

    “There is no water in the City of Lies.”Tutu has lived all of his short life in the City of Lies with his mother. Located in the Forever Desert, the City of Lies used to have water. . .but the inhabitants were vanquished by the fierce Ajungo Empire which required, in exchange for water, that every person aged thirteen and older have their tongue cut out. The cost is terrible and the Ajungo do provide water, but just enough to keep most people alive. There are still many who die of dehydration, the “blood drought.”“There are no heroes in the City of Lies.”When Tutu’s mother becomes ill, Tutu... Read Full Review

  • Book cover for Going Zero

    Going Zero

    by McCarten, Anthony

    May 1, 2023

    Call Number:

    We all know that we are constantly being observed and monitored in today’s world. There are security and surveillance cameras on many homes, businesses, and on the traffic lights at intersections. ATMs and now self-check out machines in retail establishments also include cameras. Purchases, whether online or in a brick and mortar store can, and are, tracked. Many retail establishments offer “discount” cards or memberships that track customer purchases. And the personal information of banking and/or retail customers is regularly breached and sold, while many people willingly provide personal... Read Full Review

  • Book cover for Weyward: A Novel

    Weyward: A Novel

    by Hart, Emilia

    April 24, 2023

    Call Number:

    “The connections between and among women are the most feared, the most problematic, and the most potentially transforming force on the planet.”  From: On Lies, Secrets, and Silence by Adrienne RichAltha is a 21-year-old woman who, in 1619, is accused of, and tried for, witchcraft in her small English village. She is a healer, like her mother before her. Her mother was long suspected of being a witch for daring to have a greater understanding of biology and physiology than the local doctor. In a small village, that suspicion grows and festers until blame is laid... Read Full Review

  • Book cover for The motion picture teller

    The Motion Picture Teller

    by Cotterill, Colin

    April 12, 2023

    Call Number:

    Supot Yongjaiyut knows he is not living his best life. The year is 1996 and Supot lives in Bangkok. During the day, he works for the Royal Thai Mail Service, a job he loathes and for which he knows he has no aptitude. When he’s not at work, he spends his evenings watching movies with his best friend Ali. Ali owns a video store and shares a love of movies, all movies, with Supot. Another thing both men share is the belief that they are waiting for “something big” to happen to them. And that when that something big happens, they will both begin to live their lives the way they were meant to... Read Full Review

  • Book cover for Stone Blind

    Stone Blind

    by Haynes, Natalie

    March 13, 2023

    Call Number:

    "I only see them for an instant. Then they're gone. But it's enough. Enough to know that the hero isn't the one who's kind or brave or loyal. Sometimes -- not always, but sometimes -- he is monstrous. And the monster? Who is she? She is what happens when someone cannot be saved. This particular monster is assaulted, abused and vilified. And yet, as the story is always told, She is the one you should fear. She is the monster.We'll see about that." In Stone Blind, Natalie Haynes retells the story of Medusa, one of the three Gorgon sisters from Greek mythology, who could turn... Read Full Review

  • Book cover for How to Take Over the World: Practical Schemes and Scientific Solutions for the Aspiring Supervillain

    How to Take Over the World: Practical Schemes and Scientific Solutions for the Aspiring Supervillain

    by North, Ryan

    January 30, 2023

    Call Number: 500 N866

    In How to Take Over the World, Ryan North, an award winning comics and science writer and computer scientist, provides a primer for those considering supervillainy as a career. He provides step by step instructions, beginning with where to build a secret lair (no matter what you see in movies, television, or comics, do NOT build a lair in an active volcano – North explains why!), potentially villainous schemes to pursue, along with explorations of the existing, or soon to exist, science, including physics, mathematics, biology, history, genetics, along with political science and... Read Full Review

  • Book cover for Paperback Jack

    Paperback Jack

    by Estleman, Loren D.

    January 3, 2023

    Call Number:

    The year is 1946. WWII has ended and Jacob Heppleman is one of the many veterans returning home from the European conflict. For Jacob, home is New York City. Before the war, he wrote detective, western, and war stories for the pulp magazines. He even published a novel that was released just prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor and the United States’ entry into the war.Desperate to re-start his writing career, Jacob steals a typewriter from a local pawnshop and begins to write again. He finds that he is simply unable to write the fictionalized version of war after having experienced the real... Read Full Review

  • Book cover for Gallant


    by Schwab, Victoria

    December 27, 2022

    Call Number: YA

    Olivia Prior has lived at Merilance since she was two years old. While Merilance calls itself a school, the truth is that it is closer to an asylum, a prison. It is a place where girls and young women who are not wanted are sent when they have nowhere else to go. They are supposed to be cared for, but they are not. They are supposed to be educated, but they are not. The children in residence at Merilance are supposed to be prepared for life after they leave the school, but they are not. As terrible as Merilance is, the outside world is worse, and the girls that leave, fleeing Merilance for a... Read Full Review

