Daryl M.


  • Book cover for One last stop

    One last stop

    by McQuiston, Casey

    June 21, 2022

    Call Number:

    A young woman on her way to her first day of classes at Brooklyn College spills coffee on herself just prior to boarding the subway. Another young woman on the train comes to her rescue with a scarf and a kind word. The next time the student boards the train, her rescuer is there. They declare each other “coffee-girl” and “subway girl” and begin chatting. Is it a “meet cute” of the type employed in almost every/any romance novel? Absolutely! But, in the hands of Casey McQuiston, author of 2019’s fantastic Red, White, and Royal Blue, it is the beginning of so much more!In One Last... Read Full Review

  • Book cover for One-Shot Harry

    One-Shot Harry

    by Phillips, Gary

    June 6, 2022

    Call Number: M

    The year is 1963. Martin Luther King, Jr. is about to hold his Freedom Rally at Wrigley Field in Los Angeles; William H. Parker is Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department; John F. Kennedy is President of the United States; Pat Brown is the Governor of California; Gas is $0.29 a gallon and ground beef is less than $0.50 a pound. It is in this world, which is as different as it is similar to ours, that Gary Phillips sets his new novel One-Shot Harry.Harry Ingram is a freelance news photographer in Los Angeles. He also works side-jobs serving legal papers. Harry recently reconnected with an... Read Full Review

  • Book cover for The Quarter Storm

    The Quarter Storm

    by Henry, Veronica G.

    June 1, 2022

    Call Number:

    Vodou priestess Mambo Reina Dumond learned the practices and customs of Vodou as a child from her father, while her family was living in Haiti. She is inhabited by the spirit of Erzulie, which makes her a gifted practitioner of water magic. Reina operates a small business behind her home in the Tremé neighborhood of New Orleans for both tourists and locals alike.Shortly after an unusual session with a first time client, Reina is informed that a crime has been committed in the apartment above one of the more high-profile Vodou shops in the French Quarter. The tenant of the apartment is found... Read Full Review

  • Book cover for The Fervor: A Novel

    The Fervor: A Novel

    by Katsu, Alma

    May 2, 2022

    Call Number:

    Meiko is the Japanese wife of Jamie Briggs, a white US Air Force pilot fighting in World War II. Meiko, and her daughter Aiko, are “residents” of the Minidoka internment camp in Idaho. A few days ago, an unscheduled truck came to the camp. The residents are told to stay away from the truck and guards are posted around it. It leaves shortly after whatever was inside is unloaded under the cover of darkness. Shortly after the truck leaves, residents of the camp begin to become ill.Fran Gurstwold is a journalist for a small newspaper in Lincoln, Nebraska. While staying in a cabin near Lake... Read Full Review

  • Book cover for Mickey7


    by Ashton, Edward

    April 4, 2022

    Call Number: SF

    Mickey Barnes NEEDS to get off Midgard, the colony planet on which he has lived his entire life. Because staying on Midgard is not an option, he takes the only avenue open to him: he volunteers to be the “expendable” on Midgard’s first outgoing colony ship, the Drakkar. An “expendable” is the member of the crew designated as expendable for dangerous, difficult, and/or terminal activities. The body of the expendable is scanned and their memories are copied, allowing for the expendable to be duplicated, with all but their most recent memories intact, when needed.Dying isn’t easy or fun, but it... Read Full Review

  • Book cover for Secret Identity

    Secret Identity

    by Segura, Alex

    March 29, 2022

    Call Number: M

    In 1975, the comic book industry is struggling. It has survived, mostly, Frederic Wertham’s criticisms and claims regarding a causal relationship between reading comics and becoming a juvenile delinquent in Seduction of the Innocent. But there have been casualties. Readership is down. Publishers are closing. Writers and artists are left scrambling for available positions. And yet, amazing things are happening in the industry. Marvel has created, and is developing, characters that will define the industry in future decades. Artists like Jack Kirby, who will work at both DC and Marvel... Read Full Review

  • Book cover for The City We Became

    The City We Became

    by Jemisin, N. K.

    March 1, 2022

    Call Number:

    N.K. Jemisin is a multiple award-winning, speculative fiction writer. Currently, she resides in Brooklyn, New York and, as evidenced by her novel, The City We Became, she LOVES the “Big Apple”.Every century or so, a city will “manifest”, it becomes a living thing, an entity of its own. This has happened several times throughout history: Hong Kong, Paris, and São Paulo are all “living” cities. The transition can be fraught with peril and, if it doesn’t go well, the city, and all of its inhabitants may be destroyed. New York is on the brink of becoming more. But when the time comes,... Read Full Review

  • Book cover for Redwood and Wildfire

    Redwood and Wildfire

    by Hairston, Andrea

    February 23, 2022

    Call Number:

    Redwood Phipps is an African-American girl. Aidan Wildfire Cooper is a Seminole Irish young man. The two are brought together by a hateful act of racial violence, which affects both of them for the remainder of their lives. But both are determined to keep the event from defining them. In Redwood and Wildfire, Andrea Hairston follows these characters as they live, grow, learn how to navigate the world in which they live, and challenge what they can, in order to create the world in which they want to live.Spanning 15 years and ranging from a small community in rural Georgia to the... Read Full Review

  • Book cover for Real Easy

    Real Easy

    by Rutkoski, Marie

    January 24, 2022

    Call Number:

    One woman murdered. Another woman missing. A police detective traumatized by her recent past. An unidentified killer. Was this their first victim or the latest in a series of murders? Will they strike again? If so, when?In Real Easy, Marie Rutkoski, who has been known until now for her outstanding children’s and young adult literature, makes her debut as an author of adult fiction in a thrilling novel that will not only challenge readers’ abilities to solve the crime, but their preconceptions as well.The primary setting for Real Easy is a strip club in rural Illinois and all... Read Full Review

  • Book cover for The adventure of the peculiar protocols : adapted from the journals of John H. Watson, M.D.

    The adventure of the peculiar protocols : adapted from the journals of John H. Watson, M.D.

    by Meyer, Nicholas, 1945-

    January 18, 2022

    Call Number: LT M

    In 1974, author and soon to be screenwriter and director Nicholas Meyer published his first novel: The Seven-Per-Cent Solution. It was a Sherlock Holmes pastiche that not only covered the foiling of a kidnapping plot, but famously chronicled Holmes’ recovery from addiction, with the help of Sigmund Freud. Over the decades, Meyer has written two other Holmes novels: 1976’s The West End Horror and 1993’s The Canary Trainer. Now Meyer is back with another previously untold story of the great detective, one that is characterized in the author’s introductory note as “the... Read Full Review

  • Book cover for The Mary Shelley Club

    The Mary Shelley Club

    by Moldavsky, Goldy

    December 27, 2021

    Call Number: YA

    Last year, Rachel Chavez survived a home invasion. In an attempt to provide her with a new start, her mother, who teaches at Manchester Prep, an affluent Manhattan high school, moves them from their Long Island house to a Brooklyn apartment and enrolls Rachel at Manchester Prep.Since the attack, Rachel has found comfort in watching horror movies and become a horror fan. Being the new girl, the survivor of a violent attack, and a horror fan are not typically a winning combination for fitting in at a new school. But her observation of an anomalous act at a party leads her to discovering the... Read Full Review

  • Book cover for Girly Drinks: A World History of Women and Alcohol

    Girly Drinks: A World History of Women and Alcohol

    by O'Meara, Mallory

    December 20, 2021

    Call Number: 663.109 O55

    We all know what a “girly drink” is: a drink that is sweet, brightly colored, generally served in a stemmed glass and often with an umbrella or some other type of decoration. “Serious” drinks, drinks for men, do not have or need these accoutrements. Can women not enjoy bourbon, scotch or whiskey? Are there no men that enjoy a daiquiri or a cosmopolitan? When, and how, did drinking become a gendered act? Mallory O’Meara, the author of 2019’s excellent The Lady from the Black Lagoon, is back with Girly Drinks: A World History of Women and Alcohol, an ambitious, timely, and... Read Full Review

