Have you ever checked out health DVDs from the library, or watched a health e-video from the library's e-Media section? Start here and then talk to your local librarian about finding more!

The Alzheimer's project HBO Documentary Films and the National Institute on Aging of the National Institutes of Health present ; executive producers, Sheila Nevins, Maria Shriver ; series producer, John Hoffman.
Call Number: DVD 616.8983 A4785-1

Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's an emotional journey
Call Number: DVD 616.8983 C2775

The Doctor in the Mirror
Hoopla online streaming video - click for access.

Fat, sick, & nearly dead Reboot Media presents ; a Joe Cross film ; written and directed by Joe Cross, Kurt Engfehr ; story by Joe Cross, Robert Mac ; producer, Stacey Offman.
Call Number: DVD 616.85 C951Fa

Get healthy now! Media Productions International in association with Media Vision Productions ; executive producers, Bob Marty, Jim Scalem, Joann Young ; writer, Gary Null ; director, Bob Marty.
Call Number: DVD 615.5 G3945

Health matters WGBH Educational Foundation.
Call Number: DVD 613 H4345