Featured Titles: Native American Heritage Month

Updated: October 29, 2024

Book cover of An Afro-Indigenous history of the United States
An Afro-Indigenous History of the United States
Mays, Kyle T.
Call Number: 970.1 M4744

Book cover for As Long as Grass Grows: The Indigenous Fight for Environmental Justice
As Long as Grass Grows: The Indigenous Fight for Environmental Justice
Gilio-Whitaker, Dina
Call Number: 628.0973 G474

Book cover of Carry : a memoir of survival on stolen land
Carry: A Memoir of Survival on Stolen Land
Jensen, Toni
Call Number: 970.2 J54

Book cover for Crazy Brave: A Memoir
Crazy Brave: A Memoir
Harjo, Joy
Call Number: 811 H2816H-1

Book cover of Crazy Horse weeps : the challenge of being Lakota in white America
Crazy Horse Weeps: The Challenge of Being Lakota in White America
Marshall, Joseph
Call Number: 970.3 T347Ma-2

Book cover of Dog flowers : a memoir
Dog Flowers: A Memoir
Geller, Danielle
Call Number: 970.2 G318

Book cover of Dreaming in Indian : contemporary Native American voices
Dreaming in Indian: Contemporary Native American Voices
Call Number: 709.7 D7715

Book cover for The heartbeat of Wounded Knee : native America from 1890 to the present
The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee: Native America From 1890 to the Present
Treuer, David
Call Number: 970.1 T811-3

By way of personal history and anthropological research, David Treuer (Ojibwe) provides an alternative narrative to Dee Brown's Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee. He documents how 125 years of discrimination, repression and broken promises did not defeat and diminish Native Americans in their quest for justice, but strengthened their pursuit for what is rightfully theirs.

Book cover for How we go home : voices from indigenous North America
How We Go Home: Voices From Indigenous North America
Call Number: 970.1 H8475

Book cover of Indigenous American women : decolonization, empowerment, activism
Indigenous American Women: Decolonization, Empowerment, Activism
Mihesuah, Devon A.
Call Number: 970.1 M636-1

Book cover of Indigenous continent : the epic contest for North America
Indigenous Continent: The Epic Contest for North America
Hämäläinen, Pekka
Call Number: 970.1 H198

Book cover of #NotYourPrincess : voices of Native American women
#NotYourPrincess: Voices of Native American Women
Call Number: 970.2 N8995

Book cover of Ojibwa warrior : Dennis Banks and the rise of the American Indian Movement
Ojibwa Warrior: Dennis Banks and the Rise of the American Indian Movement
Banks, Dennis
Call Number: 970.2 B218

Book cover of Our history is the future : Standing Rock versus the Dakota Access Pipeline, and the long tradition
Our History Is the Future: Standing Rock Versus the Dakota Access Pipeline, and the Long Tradition
Estes, Nick
Call Number: 970.5 E79

Book cover for Poet warrior : a memoir
Poet Warrior: A Memoir
Harjo, Joy
Call Number: 811 H2816H-2

This is a sequel to U.S. Poet Laureate Joy Harjo’s autobiography, Crazy Brave: a memoir  Continuing her poet-warrior path, she reflects on her life and many roles as a mother, a wife and member of her community. Harjo writes honestly about the tragedies and triumphs that she has experienced and how her community's traditions and values have sustained her, along with poetry, music and spiritual traditions. Also, look at: Joy Harjo, Library of Congress.


Book cover of Reclaiming Two-Spirits : sexuality, spiritual renewal & sovereignty in Native America
Reclaiming Two-Spirits: Sexuality, Spiritual Renewal & Sovereignty in Native America
Smithers, Gregory D.
Call Number: 306.76097 S664

Book cover for Redbone: The True Story of a Native American Rock Band
Redbone: The True Story of a Native American Rock Band
Staebler, Christian
Call Number: 789.14 R312St

Book cover of Sheine Lende : a prequel to Elatsoe
Sheine Lende: A Prequel to Elatsoe
Little Badger, Darcie
Call Number: YA

Book cover for Unworthy Republic: The Dispossession of Native Americans and the Road to Indian Territory
Unworthy Republic: The Dispossession of Native Americans and the Road to Indian Territory
Saunt, Claudio
Call Number: 970.5 S257

Book cover of We are still here : a photographic history of the American Indian Movement
We Are Still Here: A Photographic History of the American Indian Movement
Bancroft, Dick
Call Number: 970.5 B213

Book cover of We are the middle of forever : Indigenous voices from Turtle Island on the changing Earth
We Are the Middle of Forever: Indigenous Voices From Turtle Island on the Changing Earth
Call Number: 970.1 W3615

Book cover of When the Light of the World Was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through: A Norton Anthology of Native Nations Poetry
When the Light of the World Was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through: A Norton Anthology of Native Nations Poetry
Call Number: 811 W5675
