St. Ignatius Catholic Church

  • St. Ignatius Catholic Church

    322 N. Ave 61
    Los Angeles, CA 90042
    Phone: 323-256-3041
    Hours: Mon-Sat 9 am-12 pm, Sun 10 am-12 pm
    Show on Map
Additional Phone Numbers
Admin: 323-256-3041


L.A. County Service Provider Area: 4

Church that offers brown bag lunches and vouchers for clothing to be redeemed at St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store. The St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store is located at 210 N Ave 21, Los Angeles, CA 90031.

Population Served: Children & Families, Teen/Young Adult, Single Adults, Women, Veterans, Immigrants
Resource Categories: Food, Services
General Resources: Meals, Personal Appearance
Additional Offerings: Clothing

