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The Palace Project App

Eileen Ybarra, Librarian III, Electronic Resources,
a carousel of books on the palace app

We are proud to make our digital collections more accessible than ever via the newly launched Palace Project app. With The Palace Project app, our cardholders can gain access to our Libby and Biblioboard e-book and audiobook collections all in one place. Additionally, a digital e-book library from the California State Library is available on the Palace app, as well as a Banned Book Club feature.

Los Angeles Public Library cardholders can access the Palace Project app on their favorite mobile device or tablet via the Apple or Google Play stores. You can add The Los Angeles Public Library as your library within the app. All you need is your library card number and PIN to sign in and start downloading e-books and audiobooks at no cost.

The Banned Book Club feature makes e-book versions of banned books available to readers in locations across the United States where titles have historically been banned. To access The Banned Book Club on Palace, download the Palace app and choose "Banned Book Club" as an additional library. You can then follow the prompts to sign up for a free virtual library card. Go here for additional information on The Palace Project app.



