Job and Career Center WorkSource Portal at Central Library

  • Job and Career Center WorkSource Portal at Central Library

    630 W. Fifth Street
    Business & Economics Department—Lower Level 1
    Los Angeles, CA 90071
    Phone: (213) 228-7113
    Show on Map
Additional Phone Numbers
Admin: (213) 228-7000 Central Library main line


L.A. County Service Provider Area: 4

The Job and Career Center WorkSource Portal provides basic, free assistance from a WorkSource counselor supported by access to some of the online services for finding job listings (JobsLA, CalJOBS). The Center also assists people applying for unemployment benefits through the California Employment Development Department website. Its location inside the library offers the support of the library’s books, media, online resources, and reference librarian assistance. Additionally, The Center offers free use of computer equipment and a printer/scanner for job seeking activities only.
When is the Job & Career Center WorkSource Portal open to the public?
Monday: 3:30 PM-8:00 PM
Tuesday to Saturday: 10:00 AM-3:30 PM
(Except 1st Friday and Saturday of the month)
Note: Center will be closed during a lunch hour each day. The lunch period may vary according to the timing of scheduled appointments as well as serving walk-in clients.
Appointments are strongly encouraged to ensure the best service, but are not required. To make an appointment, contact: Johnathon Davis, Workforce Development Specialist at (213) 228-7113, or email

Population Served: Single Adults
Resource Categories: Work
General Resources: Job Search Assistance
Additional Offerings: Job Skills Training, Resume Assistance

