The Library will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025, in observance of Presidents Day.

Enhanced Catalog FAQs

  1. How do I place a hold?
  2. How do I save titles to a list for later review?
  3. How to I log into to my account?
  4. How do I create an an easier login to access my account (EZ login)?
  5. How do I pay my fines?
  6. How do I find titles at the branch I'm in?
  7. How do I view a list of my checked out Items (account summary)?
  8. How do I renew my books?
  9. Can I view the catalog in another language?
  10. Can I search the catalog in another language?
  11. Can I limit my results by language?
  12. What are tags and how do I create one?
  13. How do I rate a title or add a review?
  14. I only want to find DVDs (or another format). How do I limit my results?
  15. How do I save a search to come back to later?
  16. I really like this book I’m reading. How do I find similar titles in the catalog, or get recommendations?
  17. Can I find eBooks, eAudiobooks, eVideo or eMusic in the catalog?
  18. Can I e-mail lists to myself or others?

Have other questions? Contact us.

1. How do I place a hold?
Placing a hold is easy. Place a hold by clicking on the "Place Hold" button on any title except e-media, entertainment media (DVDs and CDs), and reference only items. You can also check the box next to multiple titles on a result list, and select “Place Hold” from the "Select Options" drop-down menu.  You can also suspend a hold from activating if you know you will be unavailable during a certain time. (top)

2. How do I save titles to a list for later review?
Titles can be saved to persistent lists in the Enhanced Catalog by clicking on the "Add To List" button for any item. You can also check the box next to multiple titles on a result list, and select "Add to List" from the "Select Options" drop-down menu. You can make several lists, but you will need to sign into the My Account feature. (top)

3. How to I log into to my account?
Click on My Account at the upper right hand corner and get started! (top)

4. How do I create an an easier login to access my account (EZ login)?
After you log in using your card and PIN, there will be an option in your account to create one.  (top)

5. How do I pay my fines?
Online fine payment is available only through the Enhanced Catalog. Sign into your account and then click on "Fines" to begin the payment process. (top)

6. How do I find titles at the branch I’m in?
The Enhanced Catalog will default to highlighting your location’s holdings automatically (except for Central Library) when you are in a branch. If you want to ONLY see titles at certain branches (no matter your location), simply click on the "Change" link in the searching locations area on the left-hand side of the screen. (top)

7. How do I view a list of my checked out items (account summary)?
When logged in, click on your account and go the Account Activity page. (top)

8. How do I renew my books?
When logged in, click on your account and renew your books via the Account Activity page. Please note that if items are on hold for another patron, you will not be able to renew them. (top)

9. Can I view the catalog in another language?
Yes. Currently, you may view the catalog in Spanish, Japanese, Vietnamese, Russian, Chinese and Korean. (top)

10. Can I search the catalog in another language?
Yes, the catalog can be searched in any language materials are cataloged in.(top)

11. Can I limit results to items in a certain language?
Yes. Use the limiters at the left side of the screen (Language is at bottom). (top)

12. What are tags and how do I create one?
Tags are natural language keywords you use to describe a title. They can be searched, and they help with relevance rankings in other searches. You can tag an item yourself with the new catalog by clicking the "Add New Tag" link at the bottom of the item detail page. (top)

13. How do I rate a title or add a review?
You can now rate a title without reviewing an item. Simply click over the stars to add your rating. You will then be asked if you would like to review the item. You will need to be logged in to write a review. (top)

14. I only want to find DVDs (or another format). How do I limit my results?
Limit your results by clicking on Format on the left side of your results screen. Click on the format you’d like to limit’s that simple. (top)

15. How do I save a search to come back to later?
Click on the "Save Search" link at the top of your results page. You must log in to save a search. (top)

16. I really like this book I’m reading. How do I find similar titles in the catalog, or get recommendations?
You can get recommendations for similar titles by clicking on the "Reviews, Rating & Related Titles" link at the item detail screen. Find similar titles under the "You might also like these..." heading. (top)

17. Can I find eBooks, eAudiobooks, eVideo or eMusic in the catalog?
These are all accessible through the new catalog. Search a title, and click on the Download button to get started. (top)

18. Can I e-mail lists to myself or others?
Yes, you can e-mail a list, and the list is also available as an RSS feed that you can share with others. (top)


Have other questions? Contact us.





