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Children read aloud in various settings to celebrate of El día de los niños, or Children's Day, in this bilingual story. Includes facts about Mexico's annual celebration of children and the book fiestas that are often included.

The author recalls his childhood in the mountains and valleys of California with his farmworker parents who inspired him with poetry and song.

Spanish folksong where each animals is hushed by the one following it beginning with a frog.

Presents the words to the popular Spanish song.

También disponible en versión electrónica (eBook).

Bilingual Spanish/English


También disponible en versión electrónica (eBook).

Bilingual Spanish/English

Eleven-year-old Maximilian, a big fan of the form of wrestling known as lucha libre, begins to suspect that he has a close connection with his favorite luchador, El Angel de La Guardia, the Guardian Angel. Note: Series Max’s Lucha Libre Adventures

Welcome to the family! It's just like yours: father, mother, sister, brother, abuelita, gato, even a great-great grandmother. Well, but there's something just a little bit different about this particular family. Maybe it's those clothes they wear . . . just a little bit fashion backward. And the colors! So vibrant and . . . lively. Maybe that's what it is. They are just so full of life while looking almost other worldly.

Bilingual Spanish/English

Bilingual Spanish/English

Bilingual Spanish/English

A collection of more than two dozen nursery rhymes in Spanish, from Spain and Latin America, with English translations.

Every day, thousands of farmworkers harvested the food that ended up on kitchen tables all over the country. But at the end of the day, when the workers sat down to eat, there were only beans on their own tables. Then Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez teamed up. Together they motivated the workers to fight for their rights and, in the process, changed history.

También disponible en versión electrónica (eBook).