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Día de los niños / Día de los libros

Updated: April 4, 2019

Book cover for ABeCedarios: Mexican folk art ABCs in English and Spanish
ABeCedarios: Mexican folk art ABCs in English and Spanish
Weill, Cynthia.
Call Number: S xz

Book cover for Abue, cuéntame
Abue, cuéntame
Martínez Pérez, Rocío.
Call Number: S xz

Book cover for Adelita and the veggie cousins/Adelita y las primas verduritas
Adelita and the veggie cousins/Adelita y las primas verduritas
Bertrand, Diane Gonzales.
Call Number: S xz

Book cover for Adivina divino adivinador
Adivina divino adivinador
Call Number: S x 793 A2355-4

Book cover for Angels ride bikes and other fall poems: poems/Los Ángeles Andan en Bicicleta: Y Otros Poemas de Otoño (The Magical Cycle of the Seasons Series)
Angels ride bikes and other fall poems: poems/Los Ángeles Andan en Bicicleta: Y Otros Poemas de Otoño (The Magical Cycle of the Seasons Series)
Alarcón, Francisco X., 1954-
Call Number: S x 811 A321-2





Book cover for Arco iris de poesía: poemas de las Américas y España
Arco iris de poesía: poemas de las Américas y España
Call Number: S x 861 A675-1

Book cover for Arrorró, mi niño: Latino lullabies and gentle games
Arrorró, mi niño: Latino lullabies and gentle games
Call Number: S xz

También disponible en disco compacto.

Book cover for Arroz con leche: un poema para cocinar
Arroz con leche: un poema para cocinar
Argueta, Jorge.
Call Number: S x 861 A694-4

Book cover for Biblioburro: una historia real de Colombia
Biblioburro: una historia real de Colombia
Winter, Jeanette
Call Number: S xz

Book cover for Book Fiesta!: Celebrate Children's Day/Book Day/Celebremos El Día de los Niños/El Día de los Libros
Book Fiesta!: Celebrate Children's Day/Book Day/Celebremos El Día de los Niños/El Día de los Libros
Mora, Pat.
Call Number: S xz

Children read aloud in various settings to celebrate of El día de los niños, or Children's Day, in this bilingual story. Includes facts about Mexico's annual celebration of children and the book fiestas that are often included.

Book cover for Braids/Trencitas
Contreras, Kathleen.
Call Number: S xz

Book cover for Calavera abecedario: a day of the dead alphabet book
Calavera abecedario: a day of the dead alphabet book
Winter, Jeanette.
Call Number: xz

Book cover for Calling the doves/El Canto de las palomas
Calling the doves/El Canto de las palomas
Herrera, Juan Felipe.
Call Number: S xz

The author recalls his childhood in the mountains and valleys of California with his farmworker parents who inspired him with poetry and song.

Book cover for Canciones de cuna
Canciones de cuna
Call Number: CD S x Music

Book cover for Canta, rana, canta
Canta, rana, canta
Call Number: S xz

Spanish folksong where each animals is hushed by the one following it beginning with a frog.

Book cover for César Chávez: la lucha por lo justo
César Chávez: la lucha por lo justo
Guzmán, Lila, 1952-
Call Number: S x 92 C512Gu

Book cover for Chato y su cena
Chato y su cena
Soto, Gary.
Call Number: S xz

Book cover for Con los ojos cerrados: Sueños de los niños indígenas
Con los ojos cerrados: Sueños de los niños indígenas
Olmos, Gabriela.
Call Number: S x 972 O51

Book cover for La cucaracha Martina: un cuento folklórico del Caribe
La cucaracha Martina: un cuento folklórico del Caribe
Moreton, Daniel.
Call Number: S x 398 M845

Book cover for The cucuy stole my cascarones/El Coco me robó los cascarones
The cucuy stole my cascarones/El Coco me robó los cascarones
Rivas, Spelile.
Call Number: S xz

Book cover for De colores and other Latin-American folk songs for children
De colores and other Latin-American folk songs for children
Call Number: S x 78 D278 1999 folio

Book cover for De colores/Bright with colors
De colores/Bright with colors
Call Number: S x 861 D2965

Presents the words to the popular Spanish song. 

Book cover for De cómo tía Lola vino de visita a quedarse
De cómo tía Lola vino de visita a quedarse
Alvarez, Julia.
Call Number: S x

También disponible en versión electrónica (eBook).

Book cover for Diego
Winter, Jonah, 1962-
Call Number: S x 92 R621Wi 1994

Book cover for Doña Flor: un cuento de una mujer gigante con un gran corazón
Doña Flor: un cuento de una mujer gigante con un gran corazón
Mora, Pat
Call Number: S xz folio

Book cover for El soñador
El soñador
Ryan, Pam Muñoz.
Call Number: S x

Book cover for Esperanza renace
Esperanza renace
Ryan, Pam Muñoz
Call Number: S x

Book cover for La fiesta de las tortillas
La fiesta de las tortillas
Argueta, Jorge.
Call Number: S xz folio

Book cover for Fiestas
Orozco, José-Luis
Call Number: CD S x Music

Book cover for Fiestas: A Year of Latin American Songs of Celebration
Fiestas: A Year of Latin American Songs of Celebration
Orozco, José-Luis.
Call Number: S x 78 O74-3 folio

Book cover for Frida
Winter, Jonah, 1962-
Call Number: S x 92 K12Wi

Book cover for Gathering the sun: an alphabet in Spanish and English
Gathering the sun: an alphabet in Spanish and English
Ada, Alma Flor
Call Number: S x 811 A191

Bilingual Spanish/English

Book cover for Good night captain mama/Buenas noches capitán mamá
Good night captain mama/Buenas noches capitán mamá
Tiscareño-Sato, Graciela.
Call Number: S xz


Book cover for Guacamole: un poema para cocinar
Guacamole: un poema para cocinar
Argueta, Jorge.
Call Number: S x 861 A694-5

Book cover for La hermosa Señora: Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
La hermosa Señora: Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Mora, Pat.
Call Number: S xz

También disponible en versión electrónica (eBook).

Book cover for In my family/En mi familia
In my family/En mi familia
Garza, Carmen Lomas
Call Number: S x 325 G245-1

Bilingual Spanish/English

Book cover for Juan Quezada
Juan Quezada
Dale, Shelley.
Call Number: S x 92 Q55Da

Book cover for Juana Inés
Juana Inés
Lázaro León, Georgina.
Call Number: S x 92 J895La

Book cover for La Llorona/The crying woman
La Llorona/The crying woman
Anaya, Rudolfo A.
Call Number: S x 398 A536

Book cover for Los mariachis
Los mariachis
Ruesga, Rita Rosa,
Call Number: S xz

Book cover for Los zapaticos de rosa José Martí
Los zapaticos de rosa José Martí
Martí, José, 1853-1895.
Call Number: CD S x 861 M378 2000

Book cover for La mariposa
La mariposa
Jiménez, Francisco, 1943-
Call Number: S x

También disponible en versión electrónica (eBook).

Book cover for Maximilian, the mystery of the Guardian Angel: a bilingual lucha libre thriller
Maximilian, the mystery of the Guardian Angel: a bilingual lucha libre thriller
Garza, Xavier.
Call Number: S x

Eleven-year-old Maximilian, a big fan of the form of wrestling known as lucha libre, begins to suspect that he has a close connection with his favorite luchador, El Angel de La Guardia, the Guardian Angel. Note: Series Max’s Lucha Libre Adventures 

Book cover for Me llamo María Isabel
Me llamo María Isabel
Ada, Alma Flor.
Call Number: S x Ed.c

Book cover for Mi familia calaca/My Skeleton Family
Mi familia calaca/My Skeleton Family
Weill, Cynthia
Call Number: S xz

Welcome to the family! It's just like yours: father, mother, sister, brother, abuelita, gato, even a great-great grandmother. Well, but there's something just a little bit different about this particular family. Maybe it's those clothes they wear . . . just a little bit fashion backward. And the colors! So vibrant and . . . lively. Maybe that's what it is. They are just so full of life while looking almost other worldly.

Book cover for My Colors, My World/Mis colores, mi mundo
My Colors, My World/Mis colores, mi mundo
Gonzalez, Maya Christina
Call Number: S xz Ed.a

Bilingual Spanish/English

Book cover for My Diary From Here to There/Mi diario de aqúi a allá
My Diary From Here to There/Mi diario de aqúi a allá
Pérez, Amada Irma
Call Number: S xz

Bilingual Spanish/English

Book cover for My name is Gabito: the life of Gabriel García Márquez / Me llamo Gabito: la vida de Gabriel García Márquez
My name is Gabito: the life of Gabriel García Márquez / Me llamo Gabito: la vida de Gabriel García Márquez
Brown, Monica
Call Number: S x 92 G2168Br

Bilingual Spanish/English

Book cover for Nacer bailando
Nacer bailando
Ada, Alma Flor.
Call Number: S x Ed.a

Book cover for Nochecita
Morales, Yuyi.
Call Number: S xz

Book cover for Once upon a time: traditional Latin American tales/Había una vez: cuentos tradicionales latinoamericanos
Once upon a time: traditional Latin American tales/Había una vez: cuentos tradicionales latinoamericanos
Martínez, Rueben, 1940-
Call Number: S x 398 M3854

Book cover for Opuestos: Mexican folk art opposites in English and Spanish
Opuestos: Mexican folk art opposites in English and Spanish
Weill, Cynthia.
Call Number: S xz

Book cover for Pantuflas de perrito
Pantuflas de perrito
Luján, Jorge.
Call Number: S x 861 L953-11

Book cover for Pío peep!: traditional Spanish nursery rhymes
Pío peep!: traditional Spanish nursery rhymes
Call Number: S x 808 P6625

A collection of more than two dozen nursery rhymes in Spanish, from Spain and Latin America, with English translations.

Book cover for Putumayo Latin dreamland.
Putumayo Latin dreamland.
Call Number: CD S x Music

Book cover for Rosa caramelo
Rosa caramelo
Turin, Adela.
Call Number: S xz

Book cover for Senderos fronterizos
Senderos fronterizos
Jiménez, Francisco
Call Number: S x

También disponible en versión electrónica (eBook).

Book cover for Side by side: the story of Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez/Lado a lado: la historia de Dolores Huerta y César Chávez
Side by side: the story of Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez/Lado a lado: la historia de Dolores Huerta y César Chávez
Brown, Monica
Call Number: S x 92 H887Br

Every day, thousands of farmworkers harvested the food that ended up on kitchen tables all over the country. But at the end of the day, when the workers sat down to eat, there were only beans on their own tables. Then Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez teamed up. Together they motivated the workers to fight for their rights and, in the process, changed history.

Book cover for Sol a sol: bilingual poems
Sol a sol: bilingual poems
Call Number: S x 811 S6845

Book cover for Sonia Sotomayor: bla juez que creció en el Bronx/Sonia Sotomayor: a judge grows in the Bronx
Sonia Sotomayor: bla juez que creció en el Bronx/Sonia Sotomayor: a judge grows in the Bronx
Winter, Jonah
Call Number: S x 92 S7184Wi

Book cover for What Can You Do with a Paleta?/Que Puedes Hacer Con una Paleta?
What Can You Do with a Paleta?/Que Puedes Hacer Con una Paleta?
Tafolla, Carmen
Call Number: S xz

También disponible en versión electrónica (eBook).


Book cover for Yum! mmmm! qué rico!: brotes de las Américas
Yum! mmmm! qué rico!: brotes de las Américas
Mora, Pat.
Call Number: S x 811 M827-5

Book cover for ¡Buena idea, ratón Peréz!
¡Buena idea, ratón Peréz!
Lalana, Fernando, 1958-
Call Number: S xz

Book cover for ¡Qué montón de tamales!
¡Qué montón de tamales!
Soto, Gary
Call Number: S xz

Book cover for ¡Viva! ¡Una piñata!
¡Viva! ¡Una piñata!
Kleven, Elisa.
Call Number: S xz
