Angler: The Cheney Vice Presidency

In conversation with Nick Goldberg, Los Angeles Times Op-Ed Page Editor
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Episode Summary
A Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter parts the curtains of secrecy to show how and why Dick Cheney operated and reflects on the legacy Cheney and the Bush administration as a whole will leave as they exit office.

Participant(s) Bio
Barton Gellman is a special projects reporter on the national staff of The Washington Post, following tours as diplomatic correspondent, Jerusalem bureau chief, Pentagon correspondent, and D.C. Superior Court reporter. He won the Pulitzer Prize (2008) and the George Polk Award (2007) for his reporting on Vice President Dick Cheney and has won honors from the Overseas Press Club, Society of Professional Journalists, and American Society of Newspaper Editors. He is the author of Contending With Kennan: Toward a Philosophy of American Power.


