Exit: The Endings That Set Us Free

In conversation with Robin Kramer
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Episode Summary

As a culture, we are often focused on beginnings— the start of things instead of the endings. Acclaimed sociologist and MacArthur prize-winning Harvard professor Lawrence-Lightfoot examines moments that define how we transition through our lives. From looking at an Iranian teenager who leaves the political strife of his native land, to a middle-aged gay man who reflects on his ‘exit’ from the closet, to the director of a hospital ICU who oversees patients facing death, Lawrence-Lightfoot examines new ways of seeing our farewells.

Participant(s) Bio

Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot, a MacArthur prize-winning sociologist, is the Emily Hargroves Fisher Professor of Education at Harvard. As a sociologist, she examines the culture of schools, the patterns and structures of classroom life, socialization within families and communities, and the relationship between culture and learning styles. She is the author of ten books, including Balm in Gilead, The Third Chapter and her most recent work, Exit: The Endings that Set Us Free.

Robin Kramer has been an active leader in Los Angeles civic affairs for over three decades. She was the first woman to hold the position of Chief of Staff to both Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Richard Riordan, and was a senior executive at the California Community Foundation, Broad Foundation and Coro Southern California. She is currently working as Senior Advisor to The Annenberg Retreat at Sunnylands, chairs the Pitzer College Board of Trustees, and serves as one of five commissioners of the Port of Los Angeles, the economic engine for Southern California.


