
Heartstopper Volume Five, Alice Oseman’s latest installment of the graphic novel series, follows protagonists Nick and Charlie into novel, momentous chapters of their lives. Nick, in Year 12 at Truham Grammar School, tours local universities while unsure of his future career, and Charlie, one grade lower, completes his final exams alongside struggles with body dysmorphia. Volume Five seems to go further than Oseman’s previous books, enlightening readers to the stark reality that while romantic relationships are daunting to begin, they’re just as challenging to maintain. The prospect of dating “long distance” looms above the storyline; Elle, a supporting character, puts her professional future before her relationship with boyfriend Tao.

Volume Five equally takes Nick and Charlie’s relationship a step further, highlighting the teens’ emotional maturity and ever-strong bond. Longtime fans might wistfully recall Charlie’s sweet crush on Nick in Volume One and marvel at how far the couple has come. Beyond the storyline, Hearstopper reaffirms itself as an excellent educational resource for adolescents by underscoring themes such as clear consent and supportive communication.

I wholeheartedly recommend Heartstopper Volume Five, whether or not you identify yourself with the LGBTQIA+ community. There’s something magical in the way Oseman unpacks the weighty and relevant trials facing teens today through a realistic yet unapologetic lens—ultimately fostering a hopeful acceptance that sets the stage for Nick and Charlie’s romance.

Review by: Amelie Salette

Salette, a high school sophomore, is a volunteer and Teen Council member of the Silver Lake Branch Library.

—Danica Sheridan, Silverlake Branch Library