
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green is a young adult fiction novel that narrates the story of a 16-year-old girl who is diagnosed with cancer. She joins a support group where she meets Augustus, and there is a rollercoaster of emotions throughout this novel as the relationship between Hazel and Augustus develops. Hazel and Augustus are able to find comfort in each other through the tough times and learn to lean into each other which makes them both realize that they are not alone. They find love in each other and feel hopeful for each other, also while allowing the readers to learn about their inner struggles.

This book was definitely worth reading, as it contains a very meaningful message for people that might feel alone in tough times and it is always a good read. It was nice to read from Hazel’s point of view, her thoughts before and after she met Augustus, and how this affects her life. The plot was also well developed and made clear. It is a sad story but it’s also a really happy story that can bring people all kinds of emotions and connect with Hazel throughout her journey. I would definitely recommend reading this book because it does empathize with people that might have gone through something similar. It’s also an interesting story since it provides the very real events and feelings of Hazel and Augustus.

Review by: Kassandra R.

Kassandra is a virtual volunteer at Sylmar Branch Library. She is a 12th grader at Sylmar Charter High School.

—Dana Eklund, Sylmar Branch Library