Getting Started with SimplyE for Apple iOS

Getting Started

Download SimplyE from the App Store and install it on your device

Add your library:

  • Tap "Pick your library" to choose the Los Angeles Public Library
  • Tap "Read Now" to access the SimplyRead collection to download and read without a library card
  • Add your library
  • Tap the library where you are a member
  • If you are a member of more than one library, start by choosing your primary library

You can add more libraries later under the Settings tab by tapping the plus sign in the upper right corner. Adding the Open Bookshelf from the Digital Public Library of America is done this way.


The Menu Bar has three elements: Library Selector icon, Current Account Name, & Search Icon

  • Tap the Library Selector icon in the upper left of the navigation bar
  • Tap your library account to toggle between libraries from the Ctalog, My Books or Reservations screens

The Tab Bar has 4 elements: Catalog, My Books, Reservations, Settings

  • Tap Catalog to browse titles
  • Tap My Books to view books on your device or on loan
  • Tap Reservations for books you have placed on hold
  • Tap Settings to add libraries, log in, read licensing or help topics

Toggling between libraries

  • Tap the Library Selector toggle (library icon) in the upper left of the navigation bar
  • Tap the library account toggle whether from the Catalog, My Books or Reservations screens

Browse for e-books

  • Scroll up and scroll down to look through categories
  • Tap the category title or "More… to see additional titles in the category
  • Swipe left or swipe right within categories to see more recommended titles
  • Tap the cover to view more information about the book
  • Tap the Search icon in the upper right of the menu bar

Search for e-books

  • Tap the Search icon in the upper right of the menu bar
  • Type the title, author or keyword to find matching titles in the search box

Borrow and read e-books

  • From the Catalog tab - Tap book cover image to select book
  • Tap "Get" button to borrow or tap "Download" to keep if it's an open license e-book
  • Tap “Read” to open the book
