Flash fiction international : very short stories from around the world

The short story is different from a novel in length and in plot content.  Flash fiction is a variation with very, very, very short stories.  They are popular throughout the world and offer writers a creative chance to experiment, to compress and still express some type of story which can leave a reader room for speculation and even some puzzle solving.  As with regular short stories, because they are short, these works can be read quickly, however they often require more than one repeat reading, and will elicit questions, speculation and probably more rereading.  This particular book offers some of the best flash fiction by outstanding international writers. 

Here are some other flash fiction suggestions:

Field guide to writing flash fiction : tips from editors, teachers, and writers in the field 

Flash fiction forward : 80 very short stories

Long story short:  flash fiction by sixty-fixe of North Carolina's finest writers

Flash Fiction Online

The following collections of short/flash fiction are by Lydia Davis, master writer of the genre who has compressed some of her stories to almost haiku-like spareness:   Varieties of disturbance (2007) Can't and won't (2014); Almost no memory (1997); Break it down (1986)




